Playmobil Lot with 425+ figures, large sets,original packaging (Lot #154)
- Not pre-screened for price. Not picked over! Nothing has been removed from this lot!
- Many items are from the 1990's and over 20 or 25 years old. The first two digits of the Playmobil serial number connote the year in which the set was first released. These historic collectors items are absolutely unique.
- 425+ figures, often in elaborate costumes and with all accessories
- Large, elaborate, hard-to-find historic sets
- Several sets are still in the original packaging
- Stored in a climate controlled room in three 38" x 24" x 18" storage bins with lids
- We tried to keep the parts of different sets together and will ship them accordingly in separate Ziplock- or plastic bags
- Over 110 photos available that show most of the content of the lot
Price: $1,249
including FREE Shipping within the continental United States
Payment by credit/debit card, ACH/Electronic Funds Transfer, check (has to clear)
3% discount for payment by ACH/Electronic Funds Transfer